With all the distractions and instant gratification of the online world, it has become easy to get swept away in everything but the actual moment we are in. When we live in the past and worry or focus too much on the future it can trigger stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Mindfulness is an easy solution that can be practiced anywhere by anyone. The goal is simple, to gain perspective on one’s own consciousness and identity, bringing greater mental peace. Being mindful has two main components- awareness and acceptance. Awareness brings focus to the present moment, the knowledge and understanding of what is happening currently within and around you. Acceptance refers to the ability to observe and accept the streams of current thoughts rather than avoid or judge them. By utilizing this technique we learn more about ourselves, our experience and what we can do to positively alter that experience. Mindfulness has three ingredients to guide gaining clarity- intention, attention and attitude.
Intention - choosing to cultivate your awareness. What do you wish to focus on? What do you want to gain clarity around? What is the purpose you are looking to achieve? Is there a certain behavior associated with your goal?
Attention- directing the mind to the present moment, sensations and thoughts. What are you feeling at this moment? What are your thoughts? What do you hear, smell, see?
Attitude- remain positive, be kind, curious and non-judgemental. Give yourself grace as you learn to better understand yourself.
There is no set way to practice mindfulness, choose what and when works best for you. Here are a few tips to get you started;
Find a comfort place to sit
Take some slow deep breaths
Notice your breaths, your thoughts, how your body feels
Bring yourself back into the present moment
This can be done as a meditative practice or in a few moments. In times of stress or feeling overwhelmed (busy mom here) I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, bringing myself back into the present moment. That's it! Just a few deep breaths to remind me of my purpose and release what does not serve me. Mindfulness can be used as a tool to gain control over our experience. It’s about bringing yourself back to right here and now, back to the best version of you in this very moment.